Rabu, 03 September 2014

ADJECTIVES : Word order


1. Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together :
    Tom lives in a nice new house
    In the kitchen there was a beautiful large round wooden table.

   Adjectives like new  /  large  / round  /  wooden are fact adjectives.
   They give us objective information about something. ( age, size, color, etc ).
   Adjective like nice / beautiful are opinion adjectives.
   Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives :

                      Opinion                  Fact

                          a nice                  sunny                            day
                         delicious              hot                                 soup
                         an intelligent        young                            man
                         a beautiful           large round wooden       table

2. Sometimes there are two or more fact adjectives. Very often ( but not only ) we put 
    fact adjectives in this order

A tall young man   (  1 ----- 2 )
Big blue eyes    ( 1 ------- 3 )
A small black plastic bag ( 1 ---- 3 ------5 )
A large wooden table ( 1 --------- 5 )
An old Russian song ( 2 ---------- 4 )
An old white cotton shirt  ( 2 ------ 3 ------- 5 )

Adjectives of size and length ( big / small / tall / short / long / etc ) usually go before adjectives of shape and width ( round / far / slim / wide / etc ) :
                  A large round table               a tall thin girl               a long narrow street


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